Terms & Conditions

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Europe in the Heart of Ireland | Open Submission Exhibition

Terms and Conditions 



  • Portal Open For Submissions: Now Open
  • Closing Deadline for Submissions: 27 July 2024, 23.59
  • Selection Notifications: 31st August 2024
  • Deadline for Artwork Delivery to Hamilton Gallery Sligo: 14th September 20024
  • October / November Opening Reception / Exhibition Dates for Europa House TBC
  • December - Opening Reception / Exhibition Dates for Hamilton Gallery TBC

Entry Pricing

There is no charge for making a submission.

Maximum Artwork Entries: 2

General Information
The exhibition will be held at the new Europa Gallery, Europe House, Chatham Street Dublin in October and November. It will then be shown at Hamilton Gallery Sligo. Exact opening reception and exhibition dates are to be finalised.

The organisers of the exhibition are Hamilton Gallery Sligo hereafter also termed as the organisers. 

General Eligibility

Art works must be unframed and strictly adhere to the dimensions 30cm x 30cm x 2cm depth, with no hanging materials on the back.

Submissions of work are invited from visual artists working in paint, drawing and mixed media.

Submitting artists must be resident Ireland.

Submission Procedure
Submission is by online entry only through this website. Entries will be selected from this digital application process by  a selection committee appointed by Hamilton Gallery 

Successful artists are required to deliver work to Hamilton Gallery, 4 Castle Street, Sligo by the key date listed above.

All communication will be via the online login processes and methods included in artcall.org on-line submissions.

No correspondence or feedback from the selectors, from Hamilton Gallery will be entered into under any circumstances.

As lobbying, enquiry or discussion of any submissions by artists with Hamilton Gallery, Europe House staff or the appointed selectors will compromise the anonymous nature of the submission process any such conversations will result in the disqualification of that artists submission.

Technical enquires relating to making submissions can be made to info@hamiltongallery.ie 

Applicants will be required to login to see if they have been selected and will be asked to download and print their application labels and details to be delivered with the artwork.

Failure to do so could result in work being withdrawn from the exhibition.

The selectors for Europe in the Heart of Ireland will be appointed by Hamilton Gallery.

Artworks are presented anonymously and judged solely on merit. The decision is final and binding and no correspondence or feedback will be entered into under any circumstance.

Artists will be responsible for insuring their own work. All works accepted for exhibition will be transported entirely at the artists' risk. The organisers and the gallery will not accept liability for loss or damage occurring during delivery travel.

The organisers will take every precaution to ensure the safety of artist’s work. However, the organisers cannot be held responsible for damage due to loss or theft of any work
selected for exhibition.

Delivery & Collection

All selected works handed in to Hamilton Gallery must be:

  • Unwrapped
  • Professionally presented (needing no further work or additions prior to exhibition), without any hanging materials on the back.
  • Labelled correctly (two labels)
  • MUST comply with the required dimensions of 30cm x 30cm x 2cm deep

Selected works that are of a delicate or fragile nature can be delivered wrapped but must be clearly marked with additional labels on the packaging. The organisers may ask that work is unwrapped by the artist at time of delivery. 

Art works from the selected artists will be accepted at Hamilton Gallery by courier and registered post delivery and other third parties on the strict understanding that the organisers bear no responsibility for any loss or damage occurring through such delivery methods. Where artworks are received by courier, registered post or other third party delivery the art works will be carefully unwrapped and examined. Any damage will be photographed by the organisers who will then inform the artist. Damage may result in the art work being withdrawn from inclusion in the exhibition and being be returned to the artist. 

Each artwork must be labelled accurately with the information as used in the submission process. It is important that all details are included on the form, as incomplete details will deem the entry inadmissible. All works will be checked on entry so please make sure your information is correct.

Artists who are resident in Ireland but currently overseas may submit.

The organisers will not pay customs charges, duty or any associated charges on works arriving by courier either from Ireland or from overseas. It is the artist’s responsibility to ensure that the work is correctly packaged as the organisers will not accept responsibility for work damaged in transit or by any third parties.

Submissions must be original and created specifically for the exhibition theme "Europe in the Heart of Ireland”.

The organisers reserve the right to reject work they believe is in breach of copyright laws.

Work must be professionally presented for the exhibition. Exposed wet canvases or works that could cause damage to others will not be accepted under any circumstances. Work that arrives damaged or unfit for exhibition due to any material defect will be automatically deemed ineligible for exhibition.

The upmost care will be taken of all works submitted for exhibition. The organisers will not be responsible for any damage, loss of or destruction of any works for any reason whatsoever. Artists should insure their works against all risks.

Works are insured when accepted to the exhibition and condition checked by the gallery.

In order to meet deadlines, incomplete applications will not be accepted. The organisers will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the catalogue. The organisers will not be liable for any loss arising out of any error, omission or decision made by the selectors. All information entered on your submission form will be used in the catalogue and online sales platform - changes are not possible once the submission form has been submitted.

The artist allows the organisers to use images of their artwork for publicity and public engagement purposes only. This includes television, print (catalogue, newspapers, trade publications), website (Hamilton Gallery / Europa Gallery and others), social media (Hamilton Gallery / Europa Gallery and others) and any other method that the organisers deems fit for purpose.

The exhibition will open in Europe House, Dublin 2, and then tour to Hamilton Gallery, Sligo. Subsequent exhibitions in line with the cultural programme of Europe House and Hamilton Gallery, in Ireland and in other EU countries are envisaged for 2025. Dates and venues TBC. Selected artists agree their work will not be removed from the exhibition until this programme is completed in June 2025.

Pricing and Selling of Art Works  

Art works sold through this exhibition are subject to the following terms and conditions.

Artworks will be available for sale solely via the Hamilton Gallery website until completion of the exhibition programme. 

The final price at which an art work is sold will be the price included in your open call submission.

A commission of 40% is charged by Hamilton Gallery as the selling agent for this exhibition. Accordingly the price included on your submission must include all your costs plus this commission.  Prices should also include VAT if applicable to an artist.

Artists will be paid within six weeks after the close of the exhibition and only once the organisers have been paid in full for the artwork by the buyer.

European Parliament's and European Commission's offices in Ireland will not receive any commission / fees or any other financial benefits from the sale of art works from the exhibition. 

Work sold during the exhibition will be marked NFS /Out of Stock" on Hamilton Gallery website.  

No work can be removed from the exhibition until after the completion of the exhibition programme by June 2025

Artworks may be secured by a deposit agreed with Hamilton Gallery.

Whether paid for in full or under deposit, art works must remain in the exhibition until the exhibition programme closes in June 2025. The organisers accept no liability for loss of sales or sale cancellations due to this stipulation.  

The organisers will not be liable for any loss arising out of the failure by a purchaser to complete a sale or the mismarking of any piece sold.

As it is an EU Cultural Institution, artists are advised that artworks CANNOT be sold directly through the Europa Experience Visitor Centre in Dublin. Art works can only be sold by direct contact with Hamilton Gallery or via the Hamilton Gallery Website.

By submitting to the exhibition you are deemed to accept and agree to the following:

The decision of the selectors on all matters is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

I understand that the organisers reserve the right to make such changes to the exhibition arrangements and these Terms & Conditions as may be deemed necessary by circumstances.

I authorise the organisers To process, store, and utilise the data in my submission and agree that, if selected for exhibition, images of my work can be freely used by the organisers, the gallery and associated organizations for promotional and publicity purposes.

All information provided by me is true and accurate and that the work submitted is wholly of my own creation.

I have read and understood these terms and conditions and by submitting this application I accept and agree to observe all the Terms And Conditions therein.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions